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And my mum was not a burnout in the sense that the listener might expect, but people would burn her out. But the fact is he had a ferocious temper.


He taught me a lot, He taught me how to be a man, and he taught be how to be a gentleman. Personally, my dad was one of my main teachers, one of my main mentors. Pyro is the part of the story where the person is going, 'how did I get like this? How am I wired? My parents? My mother? My father? My background? Where did this come from?' Some people that have heard the song, where ' my mum's a burnout, my dad's a pyro', and asked what it's about about. "The story moves into this person's DNA, because it's about their upbringing. To the person inside the building it just seems like nobody cares: if somebody says something positive, there's 25 negative things, just because people need to hear their own voices." Pyro Kill Your Conscience is the song about what's out there. I see a lot of people with the thumbs moving all the time, and there's a real lack of looking somebody in the eye and having an actual physical conversation with them. When I walk around I see a lot of people with their heads down.

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often without thinking before they speak. " Kill Your conscience is about that dynamic where you're looking at your smartphone 23 hours a day, and everyone has an opinion, and everyone says what they need to say. It's the other dimension of the individual, where the other side of them is going, ' Nothing about me is ordinary/My friends all say I'm going crazy/I don't hear a word that they say/Because the voices in my head are legendary/But I'll never tell them where the bodies are buried/It keeps them coming back every day.'" Kill Your Conscience And then you start going into the psychological part of the song. It's like your alter ego jumps into the room all of a sudden, and starts messing you with you and pushing you around a little bit. It opens with, ' Who's the victim now/Stand up and take a bow/Face right, face left, face everyone you disrespect/So who's the asshole now?' It's the part of the record where the person starts to put things together." Attention Attention This is where it's starting.' They're freaked out, but all of a sudden they've got to start asking questions.

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"The person has got to a place where they're like, 'OK.

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